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Economics and practicalities sometimes make achieving these aims difficult, but Im always on the look out for ways to simplify the process. Zip. AUTUMN: AFTERMATH - limited edition hardcover available to pre-order 09 December 2013 The limited edition Infected Books/Gollancz hardcover of AUTUMN: AFTERMATH is now available to pre-order. Expand content . Expand content . .. Expand content .
I'm sorry it's taking so long. It may tax the soul to face the profound horrors of humanity, but there’s no one better than Moody to guide us into the wasteland. It's satisfying to see all the books together (albeit almost a year and a half later than planned). To conclude.This book began well.maintained, indeed, accelerated interest throughout.and provided a powerful ending that left this particular reader not only eager for the next book in the series.but with a bit of a nervous twitch.(always a good sign). I know many of you are waiting for news about the limited edition AFTERMATH hardcover. Read the full review. Anyway, I'm very pleased today to announce a surprise release. The Infected Books edition will (hopefully) match the look and feel of the previous hardcovers, so will complete the set nicely. Autumn - 20four12 07 September 2012 Just because these zombies don’t seem threatening in the beginning (when they’re blind, dumb and lumbering around aimlessly) doesn’t mean that the world ofAutumnisn’t terrifying—because it most definitely is. Expand content .
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